Wedding Blues: How to Get the Moms together

One of the most awkward situations you could’ve been into is getting your mom and future mother-in-law to get together. The key to that is to make them feel involved. Here are some of the tips that you might want to sneak at:
Talk. Ask your moms about their wedding day, how they did it, how did it turn out. Talking with them about their life stories would make them feel important. Also, if you have personal anxiety issues or nervousness about being engaged, they surely are the ones who would help you and give you the best of advice.
Have a date. Fit …

The Top 5 Wedding Color Schemes for Summer 2019

Coral and Green. Coral is 2019’s color. Combining it with green would give an elegant yet flamboyant look. Coral tends to complement green since it is a popping color and would be great for any color combination.
Tangerine and Fuchsia Pink. This fruity color combination really looks like summer. It’s gorgeous, fresh, and non-suffocating. It would also look good for bridesmaid dresses, and it’s good to have as accents for male suits. As a bonus, these color combination is recommended by designers since it creates an illusion of the body where their details become more firm-looking than what it …